Denmark has acceded to three conventions which can help parents when they apply for access to children abroad. The three conventions are the European Convention, the Hague Child Protection Convention and the Hague Child Abduction Convention. All countries that have acceded to the conventions are required to appoint a central authority.
Read more about the Hague Convention of 1980 and find a list of countries with which Denmark cooperates
Read more about the Hague Convention of 1996 and find a list of countries with which Denmark cooperates
Read more about the European Convention and find a list of countries with which Denmark cooperates
Access to a child residing abroad
If your child lives abroad and you live in Denmark and you and the other parent cannot agree on access, you may apply for access to your child.
You do so according to the rules applicable in the child’s place of residence.
The Ministry of Social Affairs and Senior Citizens can assist you with sending the application to the country in which your child lives so that your application may be considered by the competent authorities of that country.
If you wish to apply for a decision on access to your child abroad, you must send the following to the Ministry of Social Affairs and Senior Citizens, Holmens Kanal 22, 1060 Copenhagen K:
- Declaration form . The declaration form must be completed so that the Ministry of Social Affairs and Senior Citizens can act on your behalf and can obtain and pass on information relevant to the case.
- Application form
- The child’s/children’s certificate of birth and baptism, original or certified copy. The place of registration of the birth can usually issue a new certificate in both Danish and English
- Documentation of parenthood and/or documentation of custody
- E.g. a decision on access that can be recognised/enforced
The documents must be translated into the official language of the recipient country, i.e. the country in which the child resides.
The application form may be completed in English. Applications for Norway, Sweden, Finland or Iceland may be completed in Danish. Most countries request the application form in their official language as well. The application forms are available in the official languages of some of the countries at this website. This way, you only need to have the information you add to the application form translated.
Please note that it is not possible to apply for legal aid for applying for access. Therefore, the general rule is that you yourself must pay the costs for e.g. legal assistance in connection with the application.
If you have any questions about completing the form or regarding the necessary documentation, please contact the Ministry of Social Affairs and Senior Citizens at +45 33 92 93 00.
Access to a child residing in Denmark
If you live abroad and your child lives in Denmark, you can also apply for access to your child. In such case, you can either contact the Agency of Family Law directly or contact the central authority of your country of residence.